Monday, May 18, 2009

what blog?

Do I have a blog? you ask.....not lately. I have not been in the mood to blog lately, not one little bit! The other day I was outside with my kids and saw a lady walking her dog, rather her dog walking her! And I realized that was me and life these days! Life is walking me, or maybe running me. I know I need to take control, and there are many moments that I do, however for the most part, my life is controling me. I have a million things to post and have goals to do it this week soooo.....this week will be the test to see if I have the will power to take back my life into my hands! (by the way my life is mostly my kids so they are the ones pulling me along.)


HBC said...

great analogy...I'm excited to see your posts.

emlizalmo said...

Whewee...have I ever felt the same way lately? Sometimes all we can do is hang on. Hope you are feeling great! I'll come see you again real soon for a trim. :)

Mower Family said...

I know how you feel! I'm trying to play catch up too.

Haley said...

Hey... I have been thinking about you... I have meant to call and then something comes up, you know how it goes. I miss you. Can't wait to see whats been going on with you.

Jennalee said...

AMEN--the dog walking thing is SUCH an accurate explanation of life these days :)