Monday, October 13, 2008

itty bitty football

One of my favorite things about fall is FOOTBALL! Wait or is it my husbands favorite, I can't remember! Well anyway I think it has now become a family affair! We put Zack in Itty Bitty Football through the local rec. center, and he has loved it ever since the first day! Here are a few pictures of him.

He is on the green bay packers team, and there are in all 6 different teams. They all take turns rotating around the gym doing different activities. Here are a few action pictures!Here are some of the Fans!!! Curtis, who is always asking me if he can play, whit is a neighbor that came to watch with us one day, and the bottom picture is Michael and Tiffanys baby, Christian.We are lucky enough to babysit him 3 days of the week! Isn't he just the cutest! Also we couldn't finish this post with out mentioning his buddy Colby, whose Mom is so on top of it and helped me sign zack up for football the day before it started!! He and Zack are on the same team and have so much fun together. Of course I haven't gotten a picture of the 2 of them yet, but I will soon! We are loving this fall football season and hope your family is too! GO BYU!!!


jwilson said...

The kids loved looking at this post with the fun pics. We are SOOOOO glad that you put Zack in, too! That has saved us!

HBC said...

Love the backwards hat. Zack is always so stylish. ;) Can't wait to see him grow up and watch his football games.

emily said...

so darling! Go Zack!!

Staci said...

Love the pictures! it seems like he's growin up so fast!

The Bringhurst Bunch! said...

I am jealous you have a rising football star on your hands!! I hope one of my boys decides to play football because I really want to go to some games!! He is a doll and he looks like a natural!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! So ya know how we were talking about getting pictures taken? Check out
and look at her pricing page...I'm sure with a little extra $$ we could get her to come down here, but she's pretty inexpensive for the rest of this year.