Friday, March 14, 2008

Staying Sane

As a mother I have found that I must find things to do during my day that not only help me to stay SANE, but also that help me to be a better/happier mom to my kids. Like having a piece of candy (and it's just one piece of course;) at the craziest time of my day. One of my main things that helps me out a ton is if I can lose myself in a great book! Even if it is only for 10 mins! Another great thing is exercising, although I haven't done much of that lately, but I have high hopes of making that a constant in my life just as soon as I can get over the flu! I have found that quiet time is an essential as well!
I am guessing that most of you moms out there have things that you must do as well to stay sane, and I'd love to here about them! But if reading is one of them....well then do I have the book for you!!! I should have really titled this blog "My new favorite book", but I thought I might lose some of you! This book has helped me so so soo much! It is full of wisdom, and has affected me in how I am as a mom.
If you can't read the title or author it is called Tending Roses and it's by Lisa Wingate. It truely is the best book I have read in a long time and it was so helpful to me. I think that any mother could relate to it and I even think that a newly wed would get something out of it! There are 2 quotes I want to share:
#1 "What we cannot change we must endure without bitterness. Sometimes we must try to view the actions of those around us with forgiveness. We must realize that they are going on the only road that they can see. Sometimes we cannot raise our chins and see eye to eye, so we must bow our heads and have faith in one another."

#2 "The secret to a happy life is not in getting what you want. It is in learning to want what you get. Don't waste your time crying over what you're not given. When you have tears in your eyes, you can't see all the beautiful things around you."

Those are my favorite quotes in the book. I must say it wasn't the easiest read for me, it was kind of hard to get in to. But I think it came at a very good time in my life, and was well worth the time! So those of you who are this one!


Marchelle said...

I love getting book recommendations and I'm so glad that you wrote those things down. About staying sane, I mean! Those are my sentiments as well. Love ya!!

Day by Day Design said...

Only one piece of candy? Grandpa would be so ashamed!! :) I love to read too! Thanks for the recommendation! Oh and I love those quotes, a little teaser for the book! Thanks Jess!

emlizalmo said...

Those quotes are beautiful. Hope things are going well for you guys. I just love your gorgoues little family!