Thursday, June 19, 2008


Here is our little Zack! For the past few months Zack has decided to dress himself and today as you can see, he thought he might wake up to winter again!
Also, this is the third day in a row he has worn his "pirate shirt". He loves that shirt and it will go in the wash at night so he can wear the next day. He has hit the terrible 3's, (we skipped the terrible 2's.) So I choose my fights wisely! However I think we are rounding the corner! He has a smile that will melt anyone's heart and is the most sensitive little guy! If you were to ask him what his name is he would reply....Za-tee Wirf. He can't pronounce his c's and k's and th's. He also calls Curtis--Turtis or Turty. Probably my favorite thing about him is how excited he gets about things, whether it's opening a gift or when dad walks through the door. We love him to death and can't imagine our family without him!


jwilson said...

He is DEFINITELY one of our favorites, too!!!! Can't wait for him to come and play. His 2 friends are waiting, not so patiently. :)

HBC said...

LOVE todays picks! LOVE the boots with the camo shorts. ISn't your little Zacky stylish?? :) I love your Zack! He's a keeper.

brittany said...

that shirt looks familiar! he looks like the lead singer of a rock band or something. what style for someone so young.

emily said...

jennalee told me that you're NOT bringing the boys to seattle this summer?!?! i'm so bummed! i wanted to meet these two darling little "wirf" boys!!
and by the way ... za-tee and ammon would get along perfectly ... he's been wearing his t-ball shirt and basketball shorts everyday and to sleep in for the last 3 days as well!!

Staci said...

he is a little sweatheart! And i think he gets that "do it myself" attitude from our side of the family! ha ha

Brenda said...

That cracks me up. . .man do I love that little boy. I haven't seen them forever and can't wait to see them now that I'm home from camp!

emlizalmo said...

He looks like a total rocker! SO, so cute. How can you stand it?

Kylene said...

Ha ha! So cute! He's got a flair for style!

Tara said...

I think Zack and Maddy must have the same fashion sense! She likes to wear cow"girl" boots, short shorts, and her horseback riding helmet!
So WHEN are we going to get together??? I miss you and I think our kids would have a blast.