Tuesday, November 25, 2008

a week of thanks

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you feel out of control of your life...your kids act out every minute of the day, and your house just seems to get dirtier even though all you do all week is clean it (or so it seems)? Your voice is octaves louder than normal all day. And you feel exhausted before you get out of bed in the morning? This past week has been one of those "weeks." And after having this kind of a week I have decided that I need to have a post of thankfulness. So here goes:

I am grateful for Sara because:
1. She plays with Zack and Curtis.
2. She lets me do her hair (most of the time).
3. She no longer has accidents during the day.
4. She loves school and is so eager to share with me her day.
5. She is quick to give up her cereal box in the morning to her brothers. She really is the peacemaker of the kids.

I am grateful for Zack because:
1. He gets himself dressed in the morning!
2. He is playing better with his brother.
3. He is a great cuddler.
4. He eats breakfast and lunch well...we're working on dinner.
5. He is so good when you take him places.

I am grateful for Curtis because:
1. He wakes up so happy.
2. He is so friendly with everyone.
3. He loves to give kisses.
4. He takes naps and is so easy to put to bed
5. He is always smiling, and is quick to laugh.

I am grateful for Matt because:
1. He always listens.
2. He believes in what I do...
3. He is a great Dad and knows just when to step in, cause mom has had enough.
4. He is a hard worker...whether it is in his own home or at work.
5. He doesn't hold a grudge or get offended easily.
6. He is a great hugger and kisser...
7. He loves me no matter how dumb I can be.
8. He tells me everything!
9. He makes his own lunches.
10. He irons his own clothes!

As a side note I am extremely grateful for the gospel and for a loving family. My closest friends are my family and I am deeply grateful for all they do for me and my family. Also I am grateful that Matt has job during this yucky economy stuff, and for a roof over our heads and vehicles that operate! I feel very blessed! I already am forgetting my bad week! Now I am grateful to have had that bad week, because it made me do this post.


Mower Family said...

Great post...you made me feel better. I'm having one of those weeks too! Thanks for sharing your thankfulness!

Jenny and Jared said...

What a great idea! Hope your week goes better!

Brenda said...

A good example to all of us. We all need to count our blessings. I'm thankful for you!