Thursday, June 12, 2008

A week without Matt

Last week Matt went to Wood badge. It was the longest week of my entire life!! Not only was it the longest I've ever been away from him (Monday-Saturday), but I also had hardly any contact with him that week. It was miserable. I don't understand how some of you do it that have husbands that travel a lot or ones that work so that you hardly ever see them. Maybe I'm a baby, but I have a hard time when he's gone. When Matt gets home from work, it's like a breath of fresh air!! He plays with our kids and provides adult conversation for me! I love to be around him! We did get to talk twice while he was away on another guys cell phone, however it was 5 min conversations. I worried all week too, because of the bad weather and knowing he was high in the mountains sleeping in a tent. There were only a few good things to a week without him, a cleaner house and a bigger bed! I was surprise how much of a difference it made in having him gone, I didn't realize how messy he is! (I'm only half kidding about that) I'd much rather have him home though then have a bigger bed and a cleaner house. I'm glad to have him home and have life back to normal. He is the best ever!! Am I pathetic or what!

Side note: My wonderful sister-in-law took some cute pictures of my kids and as soon as I get them I will be posting them!


Megan Hedrick said...

I'm the exact same way when Charlie is away from us or when we're away from him! When we go on vacation without him, I always cry because I miss being with him and having the extra help! So no, you are not pathetic.

dmmuaina said...

You have such a darling family. We sure do miss seeing you guys. We hope to come up for Heather's wedding. Oh yeah--we will be up for Bear Lake too!! We have to have fun!

Day by Day Design said...

Not pathetic! I am the same way! I also worry to much.. I think we get it from our moms! :) We missed you on Saturday! Hope to see ya soon!

emlizalmo said...

Um...HELP. Dave leaves Monday for scout camp. I really don't know if I can do it. I'm a super wuss.

Kylene said...

So not pathetic. That's a long time w/o a husband when you've got 3 kids! Mon-Sat?! Wow, Jes! The longest Klint has been gone is a day and on those days I get a taste of single-mom life...I'm SO grateful I have a best friend/partner to share the load with!

Jennalee said...

:) I think the thing I love most about blogging is that for the most part there isn't a 'man-hater' in the makes me happy that people like their spouses...(especially when they are my favorite cousin :)) love's what makes the world go round! even with the mess ;)

Ryan and Tammy said...

I just found your blog on Amy's! Your kids are adorable. It's crazy that how time flies. I can definitely relate, I go crazy when my husband is away( or has finals!)